Appalachian Moon


Sheep Ranches & Roswell Area 51 

Sheep Ranch, Roswell, New Mexico

Photos by O. Winston Link in Roswell, New Mexico.

Elizabeth's friend, famous journalist Dorothy Kilgallen was investigating the UFO incident in England during this time. I believe this is Dorothy in this photo. There were a series of 3 photos.

Evening of Wine 

This photo is of a Radio Host that I still have not identified seen on set with Elizabeth.

The man on the left I have identified as the same man standing over Elizabeth in the photo that I believe is a kidnapping.

Radio Host & Elizabeth

Radio Host on set with Elizabeth, this photo may be the show before their wine sitting where the two other unidentified men are with them.

I'm trying to identify this Radio Host.

Cosmic Watergate, Govenor Conally & Miss Wool

Govenor Conally attended the Miss Wool parades and pageants. Shown here is a meeting with Miss Wool.

She met with many political persons, presidents and celebrities, Nixon & LBJ. 

Elizabeth's briefcase

I had many mementos, artifacts and photos that I had restored put together of Elizabeth's for my collection.

These items were lost due to the constant rummaging through my storage units and being followed, I had these items stolen in my vintage camper that I believe the FBI took.

Elizabeth's Vintage Phone Books

I had 3 vintage phone books, two of Elizabeth's and one of my Grandfather's. These items too were stolen with the Vintage camper.

Eugene Ackerman Letter

Eugene Ackerman, Elizabeth's Boss at the Wool Bureau, he was also mentioned by O.Winston Link in a 1996 letter and autographed book to Elizabeth when he sent her a copy of his book, "Steam, Steel & Stars".

I had an entire series of letters from Ackerman, Ham, Jo Foxworth and various other characters, those items too were stolen in the vintage camper.

This letter appears to have blood on it...

I have suspicions that the FBI took all of these items.

In this letter, Ackerman is accusing Elizabeth of "Dickering with Tapplinger's Wool Account", of which he's refering to "Robert Tapplinger".

During this time, Elizabeth was traveling frequently to Roswell, New Mexico.

Steam, Steel & Stars, Book & Autograph

This is the letter inside the book, "Steam, Steel & Stars" that O. Winston Link sent to Elizabeth in 1996. I presume he had finaly located her.

She had been in hiding for 40 years, living in Dallas, Texas.

Link's references to Eugene Akerman and "Gone With The Wind" are quite curious.

The investigations I've conducted, lead me to believe that Gone With The Wind was not authored by Margaret Mitchell, she too was murdered.

Margaret Mitchell was not a book author, she was an Atlanta Journalist.

President LBJ & Miss Wool

President LBJ & Miss Wool during her tour, she met with many political figures during the productions campaign and fashion shows. 

Letters of Threats, Russ

Many threatening letters were sent to Elizabeth by an author using the name "Russ" with letter heads from the Rhode Island, "Providence Journal" of which Elizabeth had worked for only one year after she graduated college.

There are a series of these letters, harassing and implying things about her family, primarily my Grandparents. This indicates the harassment began very early in  her career.

Letters from Artist HAM

Elizabeth's sorority sister, Margaret Frances Hamilton, aka, HAM went onto become a courtroom artist for CBS in Memphis, Jo Foxworth went into advertising and Elizabeth went to work for the New York Times, later landing positions in Directing, Radio & Television and then Fashion for the wool Bureau.

Ham refered to Elizabeth as "Texas", sending her letter, after letter, I presume I had a series of 60 letters, most of all were very intimidating, threatening and demanding.

On most of the letters, HAM would doodle little drawings of characters on the envelopes...those to were quite obnoxious and threatening.

HAM's Suggestive Letters

Ham's intentional persistence, the letters rolled into Elizabeth, finding her in the hospitals, her work and everywhere...

The constant barrage of harassment under the pretense of joking was quite evident whom the major perpetrator of Elizabeth's was, it was HAM.

Ham's Memphis Fortune Teller

Ham's admitance of her dealings with the craft of witchery were in many letters. Most alarming were her photographs of her knitting, this is why I dubbed her the "Weaving Spider", she constantly threatened Elizabeth with those references.

Ham's Gloating Letter

I had aproximately 60 letters from Ham, all stolen in the Vintage Camper by I believe the FBI.

Ham worked for the Memphis Court System and CBS, this would implicate all of them of stalking.

Visit Luciferin of Angelus, another story connected to Appalachian Moon. 

Mademoiselle & Co.

Dallas, Texas